
Marketing pitfalls to avoid

Just like large companies, small businesses also need to have a marketing plan. It is particularly important if you want to increase your revenue, expand your clientele or build your brand recognition. You need to ensure that your marketing is not sabotaging the interests of your business. Here are some tips on how to avoid negative marketing.

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It’s easy to overlook your existing customers in the constant quest for new clients. You may be putting all your efforts and resources into marketing, but you might neglect existing customers. There are a number of ways to keep in touch with your existing clients after the sale. Email marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach your target audience if you include relevant and useful information in the emails. You are more likely to achieve high success rates and repeat business.

While it is important to showcase your business’s best assets, you shouldn’t oversell yourself. Most businesses believe that their customers are like them, but this is not always true. Do not talk too much about yourself. Your customers may not be interested in how many awards or anniversaries you have celebrated. Focusing on solving a customer’s problem is the most effective way to market. Do not sell your service or product, but rather how you will help them to solve a particular problem. For help from a Brand Strategy Agency, contact Really Helpful Marketing, a leading Brand Strategy Agency.

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A survey can help you to understand these issues. Online surveys are easy to create and can give you valuable feedback about how you can help your customers. You can then move forward with your strategy and focus more on your customer.

A lack of action on the website can also negatively impact your business. You need to provide more than information when a visitor visits your site. You need to provide them with something they can do to use the information that you have provided. A call to action button will help direct the visitor to what you are trying to do. Take the initiative as if you don’t make it clear, then you are likely to lose this visitor.

Be careful not to misuse social media. You’ll need more than just a few tweets. A solid social media strategy is needed. Find out where your clients are online using your market research and then target these areas. Avoid spamming as it will quickly make you unpopular.

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