
Why do we say an “Englishman’s home is his Castle”?

You may well have heard the expression an “Englishman’s home is his Castle”. What exactly does this expression mean and what does it relate to? On the face of it it seems relatively straightforward and open to interpretation. It is used to describe someone who is house proud and very keen to make it look it’s best. It can also be used to refer to someone who rarely likes to leave it! One thing is for sure, before you make a house your castle you will need a Home buyers survey before you can receive the mortgage offer.

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The term comes from the legal profession. It basically refers to an ancient law that actually dates back to Roman times and has been enshrined in English common law ever since. It is a constant throughout the ages and relates to the acceptance of the inviolability of a home.

Inviolability means something that cannot be destroyed or desecrated. A safe space where no one can enter without your permission.

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You can see why the Castle reference is used. A Castle is a highly defensible protective building. It is known as the castle doctrine and it states that you can use whatever force is required to keep someone out, or get them out of your home. This does not include the Police or Bailiffs.

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