
How to wear head to toe white

Wearing all white can be a scary prospect, but when the sun comes out and with the right styling, it can be a great, fashion-forward choice.

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A completely white outfit will leave you looking and feeling cool throughout the day and night as well as having your turning heads as you walk down the street. Here are some ideas that should get you started when planning what to wear.

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Trouser suits

Trouser suits and tailored items in general are big news this summer, as is white, so it makes sense to combine the two. Look cool by opting for a relaxed fit, making you appear as if you should be relaxing on a yacht in the south of France rather than bashing out letters in an air-conditioned city office. You can pair this with stylish Farah Shirts that you can find stockists such as https://www.ejmenswear.com/men/farah

White jeans and t-shirt

White jeans are a great choice for summer, and there is nothing more on-trend this season than a pair of gleaming, straight denims. Jeggings are also a good choice if you need a little leg lengthening, especially if you team them with a pair of killer trainers.

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